We love people with great ideas, especially in the outdoors. Tim Moss, the founder of thenextchallenge.org has hatched a plan to get us all out and enjoying a range of new adventures.
From May 14 to 18 he is calling for all of us to have a week of adventures, from simple pursuits such as cycling to work instead of driving or taking the god for a different walk.
Every day, for one week, Tim will set a challenge from his website, www.thenextchallenge.org The challenge can be interpreted by every individual according to their abilities and ambitions.
So, on Monday May 14, Tim is suggesting you Start Your Day A Different Way.
· You could choose to travel to work by bike, or rollerblades, or skateboard rather than car
· You could walk the kids another route to school - even if it is out of the way - so they have see new landmarks and get more fresh air
· You could go for a dip in your local loch before going to work.
Whatever you choose to do, the idea is to dare yourself to step away from the path well trodden and treat yourself to a new experience each day for one week.
Tim will also be taking on his own challenges and blogging about them on his site. He will always publicise his location in case anyone wants to join him in his pursuits but be warned, as a professional adventurer, he will be setting a daring pace.
Go on, set yourself a daily challenge and see how great you feel by the end of the five days!