Were you lucky enough to receive a few new outdoors gifts for Christmas? Are you thinking about hitting the post-Christmas sales to buy a new waterproof jacket, walking boots or any number of outdoors products? If so, the chances are you will have some old kit to throw away. But before you add these items to the black bin why not consider recycling them?
Although your outdoors products might seem to be past their useful date, there will be other ways that people can make use of them. For example, at Green Peak Gear old climbing ropes are collected and then turned into rope rugs, dog leads and skipping ropes. Green Peak Gear also recycle nylon (rope), general plastics (harnesses and helmets) and metals taken from old climbing gear.
Another UK-based company that is worth checking out is Recycle Outdoor Gear . This website is the perfect place for selling or swapping your unwanted outdoor kit.
Ebay and Gumtree offer alternative sites for selling unused or unwanted outdoor gear. Perhaps you received a Christmas gift that is not exactly your chosen colour or design. If so, you can sell the item and then buy the one you really fancied.
And if your kit is still in good working order but unwanted, why not give it to a local kids group for their use?
Happy Christmas to all our readers – and an even happier New Year of recycling outdoors kit.
Thursday, 27 December 2012
Friday, 12 October 2012
Fancy a dip in the sea this half-term holiday?
Fancy a dip in the sea this half-term holiday?
So, it’s October but it’s not actually as cold as you might expect. And after a summer of variable weather, the last few weeks have seemed pretty pleasant. One place that is surprisingly unchilly is the Scottish coast. With a wetsuit on, it’s a perfectly pleasant experience to jump into the water and head off for an exciting adventure. But what, where, how and why?
Let’s go coasteering
Coasteering is a fun pursuit for adults and children. The
idea is to traverse and navigate a section of Scotland’s coastline, swimming, climbing
over rocks, jumping into the sea and having a laugh along the way. Coasteering
trips are led by a qualified outdoors instructor and are pitched to suit the participants
so the pursuit cane tried by all kinds of people.
What should you expect?
No two coasteering trips are ever the same because of
conditions and swell but expect to encounter Zawns (rock slots that cut into
sea cliffs), Buffer Zones (the swell drop-offs behind rock outcrops) and Pour
Overs (areas where waves push over boulders).
Who is coasteering for?
Coasteering trips are suitable for ages 12 upwards. It's
important that you can swim and that you have a sense of adventure but
participants do not have to do anything they do not feel comfortable with.
Where to go coasteering
Highway2Adventure make great use of
the east coast of Scotland for varied coasteering adventures. The selected
venues provide a way to explore off-the-beaten-path locations set amid stunning
scenery. You may also be lucky enough to catch sight of some of Scotland's
fabulous wildlife, including seabirds, seals and dolphins.
To find out more or to book a coasteering adventure for your
family or a group of friends contact us.
Here is a recent group of children enjoying a coasteeringadventure
Thursday, 9 August 2012
Now outdoors play is even better for your children's health
Playing outdoors is great for your kids because it improves mental and physical well-being – and now a new study has revealed an additional benefit. The UK research shows that outdoors play helps to maintain children’s eyesight.
The study, conducted by the
universities of Bristol and Cardiff, showed that children, aged between eight
and nine, who spend more time outdoors are half as likely to become
short-sighted by the time they are 15.
The symptoms of
short-sightedness, more specifically called myopia, usually start with the
onset of puberty. Being short-sighted means that items in the far distance are
more blurred and many teenagers find they then need spectacles or contact
lenses to correct their vision.
Did you know?: A third of people in the UK are myopic.
What the outdoors play study found
The study team followed the
occurrence of short-sightedness in more than 7,000 boys and girls in the Avon
Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children, also known as the "Children of
the 90s study”.
More than 14,000 mothers
signed up for the long-term study during pregnancy in 1991 and 1992, and the
health and development of their children has been followed in detail ever
The children’s physical
activity levels were recorded with an activity monitor and this data was then compared to levels of myopia. The findings suggest that
spending more time outdoors is linked to less myopia by the age of 15.
What the experts say about outdoors play
Dr Cathy Williams, of
Bristol University's School of Social and Community Medicine, is reported as
saying: "We’re still not sure why being outdoors is good for children’s
eyes, but given the other health benefits that we know about we would encourage
children to spend plenty of time outside, although of course parents will still
need to follow advice regarding UV exposure."
Friday, 1 June 2012
Great new adventure weekend festival for Angus
We think Angus is a great place for an
adventure, especially a family adventure. And it seems that others agree! Not only are
visitor numbers on the up to this wonderful part of Scotland, but now there is
news of a new Angus Adventures event.
Taking place over two
days on September 1 and 2, the Adventure Weekend will give more people a chance
to try a range of outdoor activities. From the magnificent scenery of the
glens, to the imposing cliffs and shoreline, there is no better place than
Angus to try your hand at something new in the great outdoors.
On offer is the chance to learn new skills in wildlife
photography, coasteering, mountain biking to new places, canoeing, rock
climbing gorge walking and multi-activity days. This weekend is aimed at
children and adults so it’s ideal for a family break.
All the activities will be led by fully qualified and accredited
companies and individuals, including us at Highway2Adventure!
Take a look at the Angus Adventure Weekend programme
Hilary Tasker, marketing officer within the
Economic Development Unit at Angus Council, which is behind the Angus Autumn
Adventure event, says: “The aim of the festival is to offer participants taster
sessions of activities they may not have tried before, at a discounted rate.
“Most of the activities we have on offer have
been organised by members of Outdoor Angus, which is a group of businesses who
work together to promote the Angus countryside and the great activities that
can be enjoyed here.
“There really is something for everyone, from
high adrenalin experiences such as canyoning, to gentle walks in the
countryside where you can learn the skills involved in wildlife
“Angus is a beautiful part of the country, with
lots to do. We would recommend that
people come to experience it for themselves.”
Thursday, 29 March 2012
Will you accept The Next Challenge?

We love people with great ideas, especially in the outdoors. Tim Moss, the founder of thenextchallenge.org has hatched a plan to get us all out and enjoying a range of new adventures.
From May 14 to 18 he is calling for all of us to have a week of adventures, from simple pursuits such as cycling to work instead of driving or taking the god for a different walk.
Every day, for one week, Tim will set a challenge from his website, www.thenextchallenge.org The challenge can be interpreted by every individual according to their abilities and ambitions.
So, on Monday May 14, Tim is suggesting you Start Your Day A Different Way.
· You could choose to travel to work by bike, or rollerblades, or skateboard rather than car
· You could walk the kids another route to school - even if it is out of the way - so they have see new landmarks and get more fresh air
· You could go for a dip in your local loch before going to work.
Whatever you choose to do, the idea is to dare yourself to step away from the path well trodden and treat yourself to a new experience each day for one week.
Tim will also be taking on his own challenges and blogging about them on his site. He will always publicise his location in case anyone wants to join him in his pursuits but be warned, as a professional adventurer, he will be setting a daring pace.
Go on, set yourself a daily challenge and see how great you feel by the end of the five days!
Tuesday, 17 January 2012
School and youth groups welcome at Highway2

Are you a school or youth group looking for rewarding activities for children? Are you keen to find activities that benefit children both mentally and physically? At Highway2Adventure we are fully licensed to offer a range of fantastic children's activities.
Activities for children-only
Outdoor education plays a vital role in giving young people experiences that will be rewarding, as well as the stuff of memories. Kids will talk endlessly about the day that they went gorge walking, or built and sailed a raft. Being outdoors is also healthy and it's a great way to increase confidence for younger people.
Added to this, Highway2Adventure use the building blocks of the new Curriculum for Excellence to provide an activity programme to suit a school group's needs.
Highway2Adventure school group activities
You can pick and mix from a wide range of outdoor activities suitable for youngsters including:
Hillwalking, first aid courses, coasteering, climbing and abseiling, canoeing, raft building, gorge walking, mountain biking, canyoning, archery, problem solving and team building. We also run National Navigation Award courses.
Why not give us a call and find out what we can offer your school or youth group?
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