Doing activities as part of a family is shown to have a very positive affect on children and their relationship with their parents. Research has revealed over and again that family activities promote relationship bonding and increase communication. And, of course, being active with your family is a great deal of fun. But we all have busy lives so it’s not always that simple to create time to enjoy activities as a family group. Here we bring you a guide to making more time for activities with your family.
Plan ahead: Put a large wall chart-style family calendar up in your home and get every member to write in their commitments and personal activities. This way you will be able to clearly see when everyone has space to get together as a family group. If you mark on a fun activity that the whole family will be doing then it also gives everyone something to look forward to.
Getting out and about: Fresh air and exercise are vital for healthy and fit children so make sure that you find time every weekend or holiday for an outdoors adventure. Allowing each family member to choose their favourite walk route, bike ride (and café stop) will keep everyone smiling. And as a holiday treat why not book a totally new outdoors activity such as kayaking, mountain biking or climbing?